A Blog About Art, My Art, Other Artists, Artful Living, Art Mongering, Music, Dance, Galleries, Good Times, Friends, Inspirations And Relevant Venues, Living Broke Neck Studio Life!
A Piece Of Me...
I was born in the second half of the 1900’s, possibly descended of "Scottish Tinkers" (still finding this), Tetched with Megalomania, Decidedly Hetro and an emerging Crone!
Winter, Blue, Spiritual, Empathic, Artist, Artisan, Wordist, Herbalist and a Stone Caster!
Most of my time, these days, is spent dealing with a semi-bizarre condition, "Arachnoiditis w/Myoclonic Dystonia"! Such is life after a fairly severe (ACDF C4-7) spinal incident. I am so grateful to no longer be paralyzed after successful surgery, that I try not to whine about the “Chump Change”! I’m sure any Quadriplegic out there would gladly accept the sacrifice for the freedom of Mobility!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Second Round Of Art Festival To Check On My Ducks!
Also, I voted on Raette Meredith's Glorious painting "Just Around The Bend" and I want to see if it wins!
I did manage to pull a sorry representation of one of my pieces out at the last second but it did not make me feel too good because it was a last second make do! The gentleman that was supposed to be making my frame never came through and I had to creatively find a way to cover all my mounting holes and it ended up looking like a craft project instead of a painting! Oh well!
Sorry no pictures, I am down to dial up and just glad to be able to ramble! LOL
Go cheer for a duck!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Slam Fan Hopping Mad...

I know Rayette Meredith was doing a demonstration over at Westside Florist, I wish I could have stopped by! I am going to have to find a way to get out and do a little "Hopping" of my own on the next one! I did have fun though just visiting as they came through where I sat! Next one, I'm out and about!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Next 2nd Saturday Art Hop Is Just A Few Days Away!
I think we have some real momentum now and it will be getting more and more exciting as the word spreads and more people jump onboard! I would love to see some local "celebs" out making the rounds and do some glad handing to help pump up the community involvement!
Also, just around the corner, is the TurtleBay Art & Craft fair in Caldwell Park. September 27th & 28th! Just in time to buy some really unique and original gifts for those special people on your Christmas list!This years festivities will be very exciting and the display will be spectacular! I can hardly wait!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Beautiful paintings And So Much More...
First 1up is this spectacular piece by a local artist, Gwen Knaebel. Wow! The colors here are so intense!
I promise, I am not really being biased here, seriously! I loved another one (two really) that was NOT abstract also,

So There!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hopping Good Turnout For Gallery! So Great To See...
I will be bringing the goodies for the next round, I hope everyone likes Mexican! LOL! I'll have to make a light salsa for the "heat meek"! LOL
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Show, Wow! I Am In Awe Of So Much Great Talent!
So I guess I will just have to make another trip down there now won't I? LOL!
I hear that Luke Lucas is having a workshop, check out his website for sign ups, information has it that he works wonders in his workshops! This is a watercolor artist that has a real "AWE"some talent, look through his gallery online and then make a point to stop by and visit him at "The Lassen Art Center", a wonderful "destination" drive!
From Luke's Gallery: Monterey / Fishermans Wharf

I love this one, I lived in Monterey for over 10 years and even lived 2 blocks from the warf for about 3 years! The colors here really grab me, it vibrates with life and excitement with just a hint of history and mystery!
Upcoming this weekend the 2nd Saturday Art Hop, I'll be there, I'll probably be bringing some snacks too! :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just Dropping By On A Weekday Afternoon!

I found the gallery being attended by two resident artists, they were very friendly and ready to show off the gallery. I appreciate their enthusiasm, also it was very nice to meet a couple of the artists and see their work up too! Beverly, a watercolorist with an incredible hand, had a lovely picture that reminded me of younger days at the pond near my grandparents farm.

Never mind the moon, it is really my flash! LOL, me and my pictures, I sure could use some photo lessons heh!! The other artist Maureen, had a soaring pastel so good that I thought it was a photograph. I had to get up close to it to realize it was actually a rendering!

As a personal homage to the members that are hung by "Loo", I give you the "Big Hall" Photo Tribute!
This months Tribute Photos are:

"Cowboy Heaven" by Gene Knaebel made me feel like I was right there, I loved it!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
First "2nd Saturday Art Hop" A Hopping Good Time!
Ther was also a wonderful reception for Raette Meredith. WOW! What a really great artist! She had some really nice pieces showing. She has such an amazing perspective and her work is so vibrant! You can't help but be mesmerized when standing in front of her colorful works! The Chardonnay Cheese wasn't bad either! LOL!

Here is a picture of the artist from her own page, too bad I did not think to take my camera! "I know. HUH?" Go take a moment to visit her website too!
Remember, support your local artist- buy art today!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
New Blog About Gallery BNS!
I originally had something else in mind but I'll go here instead! LOL!
So my personal opinions and affiliations shall be exploited here in whatever manner shall tickle my twinkle!
Raette Meredith. Wow, what can I say, she can blow you away! Her work is so fantastic it must really speak for itself! Color, skill, style and technique, she has it all! Truly a modern artist that will be collectible for years and generations ahead! Visit her web site http://www.artbyraette.com/

Buy something from your favorite artist today!