A Blog About Art, My Art, Other Artists, Artful Living, Art Mongering, Music, Dance, Galleries, Good Times, Friends, Inspirations And Relevant Venues, Living Broke Neck Studio Life!
A Piece Of Me...
I was born in the second half of the 1900’s, possibly descended of "Scottish Tinkers" (still finding this), Tetched with Megalomania, Decidedly Hetro and an emerging Crone!
Winter, Blue, Spiritual, Empathic, Artist, Artisan, Wordist, Herbalist and a Stone Caster!
Most of my time, these days, is spent dealing with a semi-bizarre condition, "Arachnoiditis w/Myoclonic Dystonia"! Such is life after a fairly severe (ACDF C4-7) spinal incident. I am so grateful to no longer be paralyzed after successful surgery, that I try not to whine about the “Chump Change”! I’m sure any Quadriplegic out there would gladly accept the sacrifice for the freedom of Mobility!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Second Saturday Still Hopping!
Anyhoo...We didn't get started until almost 7, so we went straight over to the Gallery 833, which is always our "kick off" point for Hopping, then we work our way back across town! As always, Dennis Halkides and his Gracious family had a Wonderful Show in full swing! The guest Artist was very sweet and had some very nice pieces, but the "833" moment of the night for me, I have to say, was a new picture in his Gallery of the Jewish Cemetery in Prague, as he told me the story, it took my breath away! What a powerful image, very haunting and memorable... I also want to comment on what a spectacular table of Tid-Bits they had, I especially Loved the pickled Asparagus!!! Oh Yum!! I still miss Ann & Jeanette, I was thinking of them...I swear... :)
Since we lingered too long at 833, we made a mad dash for the Vintage and could barely squeeze through, in fact we didn't, I plan on going in next week to see the Artwork! What to say, they remain a staggering favorite on the course!
We were bent on making it to the "Empty Lot" event at the Corner of Market & Shasta Streets, put on by a WHOLE lot of People... Ashley Wagar, Tyler Faires, Ben George, Mike Cruz, Brent Van Auken, Wesley Jensen, Sheena Rae George, C.d. Tomcat, Emily Applekamp, Amanda Honeycutt and I have to say IT ROCKED!! I met lots of People and Artists that I only knew on Facebook, like "The Good Stuff Girl", "Dark Pony Designs" and more! Thank youze Guyze, I hope you do it again!!
Then, walking on the rocks gave me multiple Herky-Jerkys and I had to leave...
We still had a blast and I can't wait till the next!! :)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
"Till Then And Now" Show Opens With A Crowd!!
I have several new canvases I want to start working soon as well as I am putting up new canvases soon! I will be doing new canvases next week, while I still have enough heat and sun to "Cure" them! So I will be hoping for and looking forward to doing yet another show soon!! :)
I made a "Antipasto Pasta Salad" that grew and grew like a stone soup that ended up big enough to serve a small army though, so even with my Great turnout, I took Plenty Home!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I'm Just Necking Along Now!!
I have definitely been taking my physical limitations to new measure! My G-Kids think I should do a video of me painting while having a Herky-Jerky! Although, I do not technically Paint While I am having one, I always stop...it would be a (funny?) interesting video! :) I wonder what kind of music I could put that to? Hmmm... imjstkidding...noreally...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Look "Who" Is In The Mix!!
ME! I am now beaming!! I am going to have my very own Solo Show right here in Lovely Redding, Ca. at the Bohemian Art Loft, 3304B Bechelli Lane!!! YAY! I hope to see a lot of friends, all friends whether real or imagined!! I am going to have a drawing for one of my Paintings, so even if you do not make it to the Opening of "Til Then And Now", Please try to come by, the show will be up through August! The Bohemian Art Loft is truly a wonderful little Gallery that always features a ton of local artists, handmade jewelry, cards, prints and more! Plus the Owners Nadia and Peter are Delightfully sweet, ready to greet you and very Exuberant about what they Do! :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another Hopping Good Saturday!
We started out at the North Valley Art League where I was looking for Pam Bennett! She was the featured Artist and had a couple of her Very Big Paintings there, that she worked entirely in Grey Scale! They were fantastic, nearly photographic looking! It was Very Impressive! Also up is the current Members Show “Daze of Summer”! Their hors d'oeuvres were nice, complete with somebody's Home Made lemon Squares and Tasty Shrimp!
Then we were off to the Old City Hall (SCAC) where they have a awesome Show Called "The Natural Step", highlighting the theme of natural form and features the works of a lot of excellent local Artists! I have to admit that I have a special weakness for a good Baked Brie, so I found myself lingering a tad too long at the Tid-Bit Table!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Neck Brief; Arachnoiditis and Action Myoclonus with Generalized Dystonia
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Fair Is In Town! The Fair Is In Town!
See you there! :)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Keep Local Talent "MOOoving" And That's No "Bull"!
This local young talent Artist Kong Souriyavong has been busy on several projects around town and is really putting out some 'Moooving" work! HAHAHA! I hope to see even more of his good works soon, I believe he is also doing a Mural at the Anderson Teen Center as well!

So, I can't wait to catch him in action soon and see what else he has working!
Remember, Keep It Local!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Great Music, Shamrock Style Pulled Pork & A Little Rain!
but you know they were a real crowd pleaser, they have a history! I don't know who let Cirtus wear a Security Shirt, what were they thinking? LOL! :) I also caught some more groovy tunes that ended out with a group called Magic Bus! Yay!
Mark has it going on now setting up his BBQ, even going to be out at the Harlot Show in Anderson coming up in May near my neck-o-the woods!! I know he has been busy and working hard, so I am glad to see he is going strong!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Studio Smells Like Paint!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunshine Driving Me To Start Slinging Something
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What Is Going On In The Studio?
"Paradiso" Original Framed 9"x12" $275 |
Today I am trying to tie up some projects that have been dragging on Wayyy tooo looong and get it Outta Here! :)
So, up first, the finishing touches to this Custom Upholstered Frame I made for this Original Acrylic Painting, named "Paradiso", in honor of my friend that liked it...that will possibly end up owning it? IDK
Right now it is for sale! $275 It is not on display anywhere, it is still on my easel awaiting the power tool wielding Hunny to attach the hangers! :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sundial Film Festival Had A Big "Breakdown"!
Apparently we are still awaiting the People's Choice Award Tally, so keep in touch here... Sundial Film Festival
There were numerous faces I recognized, although I could not get through the Sea Of People to touch bases with most of them! Yay! That is a Great thing to see Soooo many people out having a blast involved with the Arts in Redding!
But... what an awesome time we had out and about at the Festival! I got to see Jeff Loveness again! I have been following him since the First SFF when he won for his short called "Profiles Are Lovely"! What a doll he is... his (2011) short film "Contact" was very thought provoking and another Classic! Now that he is officially a Grad from Pepperdine University I can't wait to see him fly!! :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sundial Film Festival Excitedly Anticipated!
I would be getting my 3rd one this year!
Hey, I voted, Did You? :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Rumors Are Rumors... ArtHop Is Still Rockin!
I was shoulder to shoulder in the crowds at Gallery 833, owned and operated by Dennis Halkides, located on Misteltoe! It was a lively bunch, with a couple of the Artists on hand fielding questions and talking about their work! I was delighted to see Barbara Enochian there, awesome collage work presented, I did get to see her for just a moment before she was swept away! One of my friends was absolutely delighted to meet and talk with the Artist responsible for the Cool Steel Fish along the new stretch of 44, John Streeby and talked his ear of for about 1/2 an Hour! It was very exciting and as my new official Arthop Kickoff point, since the Infinite Designs is now history, I did not have a hard time choosing, as I am a sucker for good Wine & Cheese of which Dennis and his Family have been providing since their opening! I was partial to Jeanette and Ann though... miss them much...
Anyhoo... so off to a Hopping good time, we ran through as many as we could, Vintner's, NVAL, Carnegies (which apparently does not have a web), and Vintage, meeting and greeting heavily along the way! There were plenty of crowds and a lot of people having a great time, no fizzle here! :) I am not sure where the After Party wound up, but we ended the Evening at the ever wonderful Tapas, sharing a piece of Delectable Delightful Cod and a final glass of Red! Owner, Brad graciously patient as we hung on endlessly... :) Thank you & Ohh-LaLa, here is to the next Hop! :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Fabulous & Fun! February ArtHop Fans Find Rambling, Rolling & Rocking Good Times!
Anyhoo... I started out the evening at the Party happening for the Grand Opening of a New And Awesome little Tattoo place, on Bechelli, right close to Cypress and Bechelli! Bombshell Tattoo & Body Peircing! They had an awesome beat hitting the pavement out Front called "Sawyer Family" I have to say they were definatly Rocking The Shitz Outta That Crowd! :) It was packed out there, you couldn't get near the staging area! I was thanking The Placard for my parking as they were WAYYY down the street, around the block! Block Party was ON! I am sure it was pleasing to the Ladies in the Parlor, they seemed to be having a Grooving GOood TIme while I was skulking around!
I have to say though, that one of the Highlights of the event for me was Meeting "The Redding Roller Girls"! OMG, I was so blown away! I freaking love these guys! Okay, so it was only a couple of the ladies, but it is so weird meeting people in person after you only see them online! First off I am talking to one Lovely Lady and I turn around, there is the Redding Roller Girls Head Coach Kandi KutThroat! Heyyyy!!! Bam! These Ladies are sooo awesome! As a youth, I was inspired by the likes of Raquel Welch in a BlockBuster Movie "Kansas City Bombers"! So for me, I just grin ear to ear as I see these "Super Women" in Persona! I can't wait to drag my Grandkids down to see a scrimage with these Marvelous Powerful Women! Inspiring!
After peeling myself away from The Bombshell, I made my way to Infinite Designs where I knew I was saying goodbye to my favorite place! The Ladies there always have such an awesome attitude, wonderful people and great Artists, a shop FULL of Wonderful gifts and Goodies as well as a spectacular spread of tasty TREATS!! A greeting, like your really welcome, makes you feel special and they are always ready to show you their treasures and "Brag" for their Artists! I am so going to miss these wonderful ArtHop Hosts! Ursula was there with her Hand Made Artistic Jewelry Pieces that always call out to an inner need to touch something beautiful and natural...as if it helps to ground you and feel peace! She is just one of many Artists that will be fanning out looking for new Venues to share their work! Also, Meeting Tommy Corey, the Master Mind Behind the Now Infamous Self Worth Project was an absolute delight! His ideas and thinking are young, honest and feel ...right!
Bye-Bye Wonderful Ladies of Infinite Designs, we will miss you but may the Goddess Of Great Fortune Shine Her Light Down To You On Your Journey's In Life!
Then after having way too much fun at the Fabulous Infinite Designs, I made my way down to the Gallery on Mistletoe known as the Gallery 833. The Gallery Owner, a very nice Gentleman, Dennis Halikides, always has some spectacular pieces of his own that he keeps fresh and shows off his keen eye and great taste! He specializes in printing "Giclee" and I would love to find out more about that process sometime! He also has a knack for always having guest artists with a very special touch for what they do and this month was no exception in " Cara Morgan", who's Pastel and Pencil works were absolutely mesmerizing and made me look several times as I thought them photographic!
After making my way across town, almost out of time, I barely made my way over to the "Oregon Street Antiques" where my Favorite Local Watercolor Genius, Howard "Luke" Lucas was doing a LIVE DEMO! Always a delight to watch him work! He has contributed to more young minds in the Artworld than can be counted! He says he has done 79 of his "Paint Free Be Free" Events and after he has done his 100th he will do no more! OMG! What a loss that will be!
A quick cruise through Tapas to catch an attractive show by Artist Nanci Sackett, as always very beautifully rendered pieces, proving her talents of hand eye vision and precise execution! I even saw Troy Hawkins there enjoying some tidbits and friendly atmosphere as I made my way through to end the evening with a very nice Red on Ice (which I know just kills everyone) at the Vintage! I have to dig more and come out with a part two for the show at Vintage, where the Shasta High Advanced Students Show was a RAGING hit! Some really awesome Talents coming out there!
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Shasta High Advanced Students |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
City Hall Bio
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
City Hall Show Reception Was A Fantastical Whirlwind!!
Herky-Jerky |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
City Hall Reception A Wink Away! AARRGGHHHH!!!
Of course, first sign of someone about to light a torch... I am sooo outta there....
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
City Hall Show Looms Large! EEEEKKKK!!!
I have to keep reminding myself that even if they hate it they will not burn me at the stake! ( I believe they made it illegal to assault entertainers!)
I'm beginning to question the wisdom of using my real name! Should I have a pseudo? Dammit I Say!
The sheer adventure of preparing myself and my children, oh, I mean paintings has been a whole new set of challenges! Before, when I had one or two paintings to put in a show or enter it was only a moderate question as to the framing. Now multiplying that times 12! I am nearly ragged beating my brain to do what I have never done before! Frame, frame, frame!
Last night as I was ready to collapse from all of it, I had to giggle as I was unable to stop myself from quoting one of my favorite lines from a Goldie Hawn Classic "Overboard", "BluB-BluB-BLub-blUBB-BluuB--Blubb-blub-blluubb...."